Ford Probe Wreck interior
Fort Myers, FL
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1991 ford probe, head-on with mazda 203 or 302 I was driving down Summerlin rd. southbound, it is a 4 lane road with an 8' median with no street light in sight, in a 1991 Ford Probe. it was 1:30 in the morning and I was headed to the beach after my senior Homecoming dance to hang out with some of my friends, you know to celebrate old times. And I did not seem to make it there, I remember turning on Summerlin RD. off of Daniels Rd. and about a mile down the pitch black road I met the drunk driver head-on that was driving (the Mazda, the blue car). north in the southbound lane with no lights on. The combined impact speed was about 145 mph..
Well my injuries were fairly minor compared to the other probes crash reported about in this site.. I suffered 1 lost tooth 5 broken teeth and an upside down y on my upper lip that stretched from one side of my mouth to the other and I also bit off half of my bottom lip. I was really lucky compared to the other driver he died on impact from multiple blunt force injuries. He had his seatbelt on.Do you want to know why I feel really lucky? Because I did not have on my seatbelt and no air bag, and normally the drunk driver lives and the other person dies.
Fort Myers, FL
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