Hit and Run by Drunk Driver
Jacksonville, Florida
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My girlfriend and I were traveling north on I-95 in Jacksonville doing 65 MPH. We were traveling in the middle lane of the highway. I typically try to be in front of a pack of cars or behind a pack of cars. I am always looking for escape routes in case someone does something dumb. Well someone did something dumb.
The night was a clear Friday, and apparently, someone had too much to drink. As they came up the on-ramp to I-95 they lost control of their Firebird by going too fast on the curved ramp. They tried to correct the back end from sliding left by turning to the left. When the rear tires hooked up, it turned them perpendicular to the flow of traffic. They his the passenger side of our car at about 50 mph. This caused us to do a "Flat spin" down the middle of I-95. As I stated before, I do not like driving in packs of cars. This manuver prevent me from causing a bigger pile-up because no one was around. We spun around 2 times and slammed into a cement support barrier for the overpass. Thank god that the DOT made it sturdy. If it were not, we would have dropped 25 feet to another busy 4-lane highway.As I checked to make sure we were both ok, the driver of the other vehicle began to drive off. When the Florida Highway patrol arrived with ambulance, they were told that the other car could not make it very far and was probably at the next exit. To make a long story short, the FHP did not even look. We had found it the next day ourselves. 15 feet off the road in a parking lot, windows open, and beer can in the back seat. We even met 3 witnesses who happened to have been there when the car showed up. We found out the driver and passenger went in a BBQ restaurant and ordered some food, while my girlfriend sat on the side of the highway bleeding from her arm. They called a cab and were dropped off at an apartment complex. We have the car, the car owner, the name of the driver. But FHP has still been unable to find the driver. Belinda Yarberry in Jacksonville. WE WILL FIND YOU.
We got married shortly after the accident, all busted up and broken. It wasn't what we expected for our elopement.
To top it all off, ALL-state insurance has been total asses over all of this. They even sent a bill for the future car insurance of a totaled car. It took me 2 weeks to have the car totaled only after I had to talk to 8 people.
Total injuriies
1- 2 ruptured discs in my wifes back
2- 1 ligiment ripped away from the bone in my pack
3- 3 inch scar down my wife's right arm
4- Mental scars for life
5- Months of phyical theraphy
Rules I have learned
1- Don't drink and drive
2- If you cause an accident, make sure everyone is ok. (If you run, it is a felony)
3- Don't expect the police to help you find them
4- Don't Use All-State
5- Do seek medical treatment
6- Don't expect to receive any money, only medical paid for.
We are getting back on our feet again. We have replaced the car with a new Acura. We are very luck to be alive.
Stephen W.
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