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"Light Rollover"
Hello! This is my third(and hopefully last) submission to your website. The others are here:
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This was my sisters first car that she bought worth more than a thousand dollor car. She had barely even had this car for a month. The last accident that i submited I posted a picture of her car when she had just bought it, because the last accident was the reason for the new car she has. Her new one is a 2000 ford explorer sport.
This accident happened on Monday February 25, 2008. My sister lives in colorado springs but this weekend she was in gunnison because our mother was out of town for medical issues and she had to watch my younger siblings. On moday she was getting ready to leave at four aclock and i had the worst feeling about her leaving. I absolutely didn't want her to leave and I knew something bad was gonna happen. It was the same feeling that I had the last time we got into a car accident. She left at four thirty for colorado springs. For the next hour I orderded some chinease food and started to do my homework. At five thirty my sisters best friend stef called me up and before she could even tell me I knew what happended by the tone in her voice. She told me that brittney got in a accident on monarch pass and that all she knows is that she i okay. As soon as i got off the phone i called my sister and luckly she had service. She told my that she wasn't hurt and the tow truck was gonna take her home. After three hours of waiting, my sister got home. Thank god she was wearing her seatbelt.
What happended was that my sister was driving up monarch pass and someone tried to pass her but swerved in her lane causing her to lose control on the ice. She started to fish tail and hit a snow bank, flipped on her side and slid up hill for a hundred and twenty feet. The officer called to the scene was going to issue her a ticket because the other driver fled the scene and didn't even stop to see if she was okay, but fortunatly for my sister, the cop dropped her license somewhere and couldn't find it so he let her off. The only thing my sister could remember was throwing her miniture dachsund into the other seat so that she didn't fly out the broken glass. But the moral of the story is to pay attention to other drivers and always wear your seatbelt. Kyle S.
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