It doesn't look bad, just $2700.00 worth of damage, as it turned out. Thanksgiving eve my wife & I were on our way to visit her family for the holiday. It happened around 9:30 pm, on state road 1 south in Illinois. Just south of Allendale, we we're first in my '99 Ford Ranger 4x4, behind me was a Dodge Dakota, then a Ford Taurus. A fawn came out in the road first, me and the driver in the Dakota swerved left to miss the fawn. The highway was mostly deserted with the exception of us and the wildlife. The driver of the Taurus wasn't as lucky. He hit the fawn and had very minor damage. I just got back in my lane, and hadn't gotten on the gas yet. Wham!! The doe came from the passenger side of my truck.
At the time I seen her her head was at the drivers side headlight. The driver of the Dakota seen my brake lights, then the deer fly into the ditch. Luckily there was no injuries, except for the deer, killed instantly. The airbag sensors were not hit, missed by a fraction of an inch. I'm sure since the Ranger is a 4x4, it helped the truck go over the deer and kept it from coming up over the hood and into the windshield. The County officer that responded, helped pry the front bumper off my front tire. The next morning, I wrapped a tow strap around the bumper and the base of a tree at my sister in-laws' and pulled the bumper clear, so I could turn sharper. Through all of the miles I have driven, this is the first time I hit a deer. I see a lot of deer on the side of the roads and interstates alive and dead here in Indiana. Todd., Swayzee, IN