Chevy Astro Highway Crash
Portland, Oregon
This Accident: Pic 2 | Pic
3 | Pic 4 | Pic 5 | Pic 6 | Pic 7 | Pic 8
I was on i-84 w-b at about mile poast 0.5 in portland oregon on may 24 2007 at about 11:15 in the morning. i was headed to a friends house in tigard oregon about 10 miles from the crash scene. i was going about 35 mph and all of a sudden a lady in a 2002 ford explorer slamed on her brakes in the middle of of the freeway. i was a good i mean good 3-4 car lengths behind her in my 1998 Chevy Astro, and i went into the back of her i probablly got down to about 10-15 mph. then all of a sudden i hear tires screatching and i look in my rear veiw mirror and i see this semi starting to jacknife. and i said to myself uh oh in profanities and i hit the gas and the semi was about 6 inches to 1 foot to smashing into the back of me. i moved foward to where the lady was and we checked to see if each other was ok. and i did the stupidest thing i could have done, i didn't call the police and make a police report. i was at the time now ok but i am getting sore in my upper arms from seasing up. she had not very much damage to her car just the bumper and the rear tailgate, and to me i had my front end smashed including my radiators. my air bags DID NOT deploy due to the fact that the hit was up high. i was wearing my seat belt and it locked up. i walked away from my first serious crash just sore and not even a seat belt burn. that taught me a lesson keep better distance from people because you never know what they will do. i always wear my seat belt and know that really helped me from sustaning any major injuries. if they total my van i already have a car picked out a 1995 chevy silverado 3500. you guys have an awsome site and thanks for letting me share my story with you.