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Winter Weather Crash
Mentor, OH
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Story: It was Christmas Eve and we were coming home from our grandma's house. We were under a winter weather advisory for the night and it was snowing heavily. We continued our journey escaping other wrecks by just inches and then it was our turn. As we were coming to the intersection of Rt. 20 and Rt. 615 (two heavily traveled local roads) we were tapped from behind by a 2000 Ford Focus. This sent us into a spin and we went head on into a 2002 Dodge Neon. The car we hit was the car of my friend Matt, and he wasn,t too pleased about the ordeal since he just got his car. He sustained minor damage but a flat tire brought his night of driving to an end. We decided to wait with him for the tow truck there. Our front grill and bumper were a little busted up and that was the extent, nothing major. It was late and the towing company would not be able to get to the scene until another hour or so and I thought I could just drive home. (since my house was just about 5 miles away) Bad idea. As we were driving down another street in order to get to my house we came across a stalled vehicle on the side of the road. I slowly made my way around it and just then a car backed out of a driveway and I T-boned it. It sent both cars into a spin and I came to rest in some ones front yard while the car we hit was sitting sideways across the road. Eventually the police and tow trucks came and I made the way home to tell my parents what happened.
Date of Accidents: December 24th11:34 p.m., 11:57p.m.
Places of Accidents: Rt. 20 and Rt. 615 Intersection in Mentor, OH and Bellflower Rd. in Mentor
Driver and Age: Mike Dindia, 17
Passenger and Age: Joe Meyer, 16 (cousin)
Car: 1996 Chevrolet S-10
How Long I Had The Car: 9 months
Extent of Injuries: Me- Scratches on my face, cut leg
My Cousin- Broken Hand
Damage to Car: Bumper gone, radiator punctured, other minor damages to front and rear ends
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