Teenage Driver Wrecks Firebird
New Hampshire
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I was headed to school Jan. 25, 2001 and I totaled my '97 Firebird. I had just turned 16 less than 2 months before. I was following my boyfriend at the time and we were going about 65-70 mph. The road is kind of bumpy and curvy so I guess we shouldn't have been going that fast but we were. Anyway a van full of people going to school pulled out in front of my boyfriend from a driveway. He passed the van so he wouldn't rear end it. I went to do the same. When I got out in the other lane a truck had come around a curve. It was a little ways back but I didn't want to take the chance of hitting it. When I went to pull back into my lane the van began to hit his brakes so I could go in front. I hit the back of the van, then went to go down the levee on the right side of the road. I over corrected and spun into the other lane. The truck hit me broadside in my passenger door and spun me around again, then, another Crown Victoria hit me just behind my drivers door. I had just dropped my 10 year old sister off at school. I thank God every day that she wasn't with me. I came out with lots of bruises and cuts. The man in the truck broke his sternum and a few ribs but is fully recovered today. Everyone in the van and in the other car were also fine.
Thanks for listening to my story. PLEASE DRIVE SAFE! NH~*Krystal*~
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