Jeep Cherokee Wrecked
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I had just got back from washing my 2000 Jeep Cherokee, and was heading off to school. I had turned left off my street and got up to 40 mph on a 35 mph road. there is an intersection about 1/4 mile down the road, and i was coming up to it. There was an 80 year old guy sitting at his stop sign, and i proceeded to go through the intersection, becuase i didnt have a stop sign. When I was about 40 feet away, he started to pull out, and I slammed on my brakes.
I slid into him still going about 40, and t-boned him. He spun around 180 degrees, and i pulled of to the side of the road and got out and went to see if he was ok. He was completely delirious, but not injured. He had an 1987 caprice classic with 30000 miles on it, and i bent it in half. It serves him right for totaling my 18000 dollar cherokee. Luckily, the guy who paints the houses for my dad (who is a homebuilder) was sitting at the intersection and was available to tell the police it was completely the old guys fault. My XJ wasn't techically totaled, but i didnt want to drive it with a salvage title, so i let the insurance company take it. There was 9300 dollars worth of damage, and his caprice was totaled.-Ben age 17
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