Ford Escort Rear Ends Mercedes-Benz
Cliffside Park, New Jersey
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On December 12, 2005, 8:00am. It was Monday, one more day of school, just like everyday, so I thought. I was driving my 1999 Ford Escort to school on a icy road, since it had snowed on Sunday, I was driving about 35 mph, the car ahead of me stopped on a T-intersection to make a left turn, while waiting to the oncoming lane to clear, so he could make the turn, the driver never urned his left signal, when I noticed that he had stopped it was too late, I tried brake, but the car started skidding, making impossible to stop in time. I rear ended him at about 25-30 mph, The car that I rear ended was a 2006 E-350 Mercedes Benz, nobody got hurt, I only had a scratch on my finger, caused by the airbag. I later found out that the driver had bought his Mercedes 5 days prior to the accident.
Brian B K.
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