Intersection Accident
Troy, Michigan
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I'm on the road most of the day so I carry a camera with me everywhere I go to take pix of all the crazy things I see.
I took these pictures 8-26-2004 around noon. It's been two years, so sorry, I can't remember all the details. The accident happened in Troy, MI, at the intersection of John R. Rd.(N-S) and Long Lake Rd.(E-W). If I remember correctly, the F150 was traveling south at an estimated speed of 60-70mph (45mph speed limit) and failed to stop at the red light. He hit the Explorer that was attempting to make a left turn west. I think there may have been a fatality, the accident had occurred around 7:30 am. And, as you can see in the pictures, the police were still investigating at the time I took them.(You can also see in the pics, a local news van and crew, WDIV CH4 Detroit, maybe they could supply more details, if needed.)
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