Moose Auto Accident
Lincoln, New Hampshire
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My girlfirend at the time and her two friends were comin back from Lincoln,NH from a friends house on our way to Franconia to pick up a friend of the drivers cuz he was in a car accident of his own and he needed a ride so we were goin down I-93 north in the right lane doin about 110MPH when I looked up and saw something that looked like trees. The next thing I know i'm climbing out of the car tripping over trees that the car had taken down. I heard Heather (my girlfriend) yelling from the car wondering where i was. I looked down into the woods and realized what had happened. We hit a moose and went across the interstate got airborn and cleared the whole southbound side, went thru a speed limit sign, off a big rock and about 75 feet into the woods.
I heard the driver (sara) screaming. She was pinned in the car. The passenger (Amanda) who i was sitting behind wasn't moving or anything. I found out at the hospital that she died instantly. The moose landed on top of her killing her. Heather got a car to stop (let you know that it's 1:30am and hardly any cars) and he went to the car to check on Sara and Amanda. I heard tires squeeling and I looked up and watched a tractor trailor truck hit the same moose we did and went across the interstate and flipped over ending up next to our car. I blacked out and woke up in the catscan machine, blacked back out and woke up to them stitching up my head. I split my head open in 3 different spots, broke my nose and my right thumb. Heather had 6 broken ribs and split her forehead open. Sara broke her left hand and the mooses antler cut her face open from the right side of her chin all the way upto her ear. Amanda was dead at the scene. I will never get into another 2 door red vehicle. i have been in 4 different accidents in the past 4 years sitting behind the passenger in 2 door red cars. none of us were wearing seatbelts. If we all were seatbelts, Heather would of been the only one to survive. seatbelts take lives just as much as they save them.
Speed kills, there is no reason to drive that fast.
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