"After over $20,000.00 being put into the car, it was valued at $550.00 after the crash"
Ford Mustang 5.0 Cobra Hybrid Accident
St. Louis, Missouri
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I was at a gas station, waiting to go across the street on a major road to go to Steak and Shake with one of my friends. It was 10:30 p.m. on a Friday night. As I crept onto the main road, about 2 feet, I noticed an outline of a dark colored truck with no headlights on. I immidiately braked so that I could just wait for him to pass me, since he was 3 lanes away from me, I looked at my friend to tell her I had stopped because I saw a truck when all of a sudden I look up and see my airbag deflated, a sharp pain in my arm, and my car being filled with gas from the airbag. He hit me so hard that I had blacked out on the initial impact.
The impact was so strong on my drivers side, that my friends door was jammed where she couldn't get out. The impact threw my Cobra engine into my dash, hitting my friends knee, and pushing the supercharger through the side of the hood. He hit me so hard that he made my car fish-tale, which made his truck keep ramming into mine. The accident did barely anything to his brand new Ford F-150, except when he went out of control and hit a telephone pole, throwing him through the windshield since he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. The paramedics said if I wouldn't have seen him, and crept out 3 more feet, I would be dead because the impact was so great, even though I had my seatbelt on. After over $20,000.00 being put into the car, it was valued at $550.00 after the crash. I missed work for a month straight because the airbag burned my whole arm, sprained my wrist, and tore a ligament in my neck.
Accident happened on May 17, 2002 at 10:30 p.m. On Lindbergh Blvd. in St. Louis, MO
Injuries: Burned arm, sprained wrist, torn ligament in neck
Vehicle: 1990 Ford Mustang 5.0 Cobra Hybrid with supercharger
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