T-boned 18 wheeler semi-truck
Dublin, Ireland
I t-boned an 18 wheeler semi-truck, got
stuck underneath it by the back tire and dragged for a long distance.
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This happened on March 24th, 2005, on the Alcosta onramp to
680N in Dublin. I had just dropped off my boyfriend and was getting
on the freeway to head home. I saw a bunch of flashing lights
on the other side of the freeway and was trying to see if it
was an accident (ironically) or if it was just construction,
and I was also trying to light a cigarette and roll down the
window all at the same time. I guess I got too distracted because
as I was heading down the onramp I drifted to the side and clipped
the curb. My car went out of control and before I could stop
it, my car hit gravel and spun sideways. As soon as I saw what
was coming I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands,
and I was sure that I was going to die. I t-boned an 18 wheeler
semi-truck, got stuck underneath it by the back tire and dragged
for a long distance. After what seemed like forever my car spun
free and ended up facing the wrong way in the shoulder. My car
was right up against a guard-rail.
When I looked down, my hands were bright red (it was coming from
my legs) and I had glass everywhere....even in my eyes, my nose,
and in the hole for my tongue ring. The lights from the other
side of the freeway just turned out to be construction, and the
workers rushed over to help me. One of them gave me his jacket
and pulled me out of the window. I ended up needing minor plastic
surgery on my knee, but other than just it was just minor cuts
and bruises. The paramedics told me I was lucky to be alive,
and that if i hadn't been wearing my seat belt or if my air bag hadn't gone off I probably wouldn't have made it.
My front windshield, the back windshield, and both driver windows
shattered completely. The hood was in the fast lane and was later
re-attached in order to be taken to the tow yard. This was definitely
the most horrifying experience of my entire life, and I still
get anxiety occassionally when I'm in a car.
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