Massive Medical Bills: Honda Crash
medical bills surpassing $700,000
Collisions with Pole
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This Serious Injury Crash: Pic
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On March 4, 2006 my little brother was the driver of this vehicle.
He was about a block and a half from his driveway after a night
of rain and "fun". His injuries consisted of
three broken ribs, ruptured spleen, ruptured diaphragm,
lesion on pancreas, bruised kidneys, back fractures, collapsed
lung. His stomach and ruptured spleen were pushed up into
his lung cavity. After his helicopter ride to a different
city he under went emergency surgery and they left him open for
over twenty-four hours before taking him back to the O.R.
He was on a ventillator for over a week and faced trouble when
trying to wein him from it. Later placed a trach.
He lay in S.I.C.U. for eleven days and doesn't remember a whole
lot about it. He had many tubes. They were in his
chest, colon, and stomach. He at one time had thirteen
i.v. bags running. He came home after eighteen days with
a trach, g-tube, j-tube, and many many scars. His condition
was still scary even then.
After three months he is still working on recovery. Not
to mention the finacial burden that goes a long with on going
insurance letigations with the cost of his medical bills surpassing
$700,000, as well as legal issues. Now if one person would
read this story and it prevent them from being another statistic
or traveling the troubled road my brother has, it has been worth
my time!