Pontiac Sunfire Accident: Vs. GMC Sierra 1/2 ton Truck
Kingston, Ontario
Myself and my 11 yr old son were taken to hospital unconsiousSee More Pontiac Sunfire Accidents
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Well having the right away through intersections isn't always a good thing when there are inexpierenced drivers not knowing enough to WAIT, if your not sure, or can't see if anything is coming.
This was where myself had the right away through an intersection and the half ton pulled left in front of me. I was doing approx 65kms/h and him doing approx 10kms/h. Both vehicles were wrote off and the truck took more damage where the engine was through the firewall and mine wasn't. I had to be cut out of drivers seat by the fire dept thats why door is just thrown back into car.
Myself and my 11 yr old son were taken to hospital unconsious and injuries sustained were: Myself broken arm, brused ribs and cut on head about 2-3" long where I had 9 staples. My son fractured his hip on the seatbelt (center lap belt) and came down between seats and fractured his eyesocket/cheekbone on the center console and a few other internal things too, but we are healing well and hope to be back to 100% some day soon. :)
Thanks for making a great car that with stands major impacts like this with little harm to driver and occupants.
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