Ford Tempo Car Accident
Galesburg, Illinois
This Crash Pic 1
This is my story...This was the first car I had ever owned. I
got my car about two weeks after I had gotten my drivers license.
It was a 1989 Ford Tempo GL. Well I had driven the car to school
once and home once and that same day My sister and I were on
our way to the mall when the accident happened.
We were driving behind a Ford Explorer, well the Explorer had
stoped and has waiting to make a left turn onto Circle Dr...
we stopped and were waiting when out of no where we got hit from
behind. The girl in the Ford Ranger behind is wasn't paying attention
when her cell phone rang.
She didn't even hit the brakes, just hit my car going 40m.p.h.!!!
No one got hurt in the accident, but the car was deemed a total
loss. I only paid $700 for the car and her insurance gave me
$1400. So I made a nice little profit out of the deal. Even though
I only owned the car a total of FOUR DAYS. I guess the doubling
my money made up for it.
This accident happened in Galesburg, IL and I am unsure of the
date...it was my sophmore year in high school so it would have
been around Feb. 2001. Thanks, Christopher
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