Rear Ended
Sheridan, Wyoming
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Sheridan wyoming... I was on my way to my mom's friends house so that he could fix something on my car. I had an old's cutlass supreme and this was when i was still 16. I was on sheridan ave.. which is a slight busy road. I was waiting to turn into the driveway and i glanced up at my rear view mirrow and noticed that there was a car coming at me.. and all i saw was the grill of the jimmy and then he hit me.
All i could do was close my eyes and scream. So i got out and talked to him and it turns out that he wanted to tell his insurance company that he hit a deer because he had full coverage. Which he didnt and we ended up in court and i didnt get jack from him .. which is bull. But then it got rear ended a second time in colorado.. which totalled it. The second time was april 1st, 2005. i was at stoplight which was actually green but it was blocked up all the way to the other side and i was behind a red prelude and then here comes a ford minivan and it slams into me causing me to go forward and the girl in front of me.. me and the other girl went to the hospital but all i suffered was whiplash but it still hurt and i think the other girl was fine. But people really need to stop following so closely.
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