Subaru Field Bombing Wreck: Crashed into Tree
Lubec, Maine
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I figured well it's just sitting there,
why not take it field bombing?
This Crash: Pic 2 |
Pic 3
Date: March 31st, 2006 Heres my car again. More damage has been
done to it now. After my first accident (http://www.car-accidents.com/2006-Auto-story/2-15-06.html)
this car sat in my door yard. I figured well it's just sitting
there, why not take it field bombing? I mean the clutch in the
car is burnt out of it, so I barely got any speed out of it.
LOL Well, I was just up back in my field. That car I think still
hates me for one, and two it likes the trees around my house.
This tree was even closer to my house this time. I was pretending
to hit it, when I really did. I hit the brake and it didn't work
right. That resulted in just a little more damage to the car.
My brother and his (female) friend watched me hit the tree. We
all thought it was funny of course. I was fully aware of what
happened. So I didn't go into shock last time when I hit the
tree. That wasn't on purpose nor' was this, but in a way it was
done on purpose. My neck did hurt somewhat that night and the
next day, but it was only minior. I parked my car back in the
same spot, hoping my mother wouldn't see it. So far she hasn't.
The impact from hitting the second tree knocked my grill back
into the right spot LOL, but the hood got a little more dented.
What I've really been trying to say throughout this whole story
is to watch out, and be careful if your field bombing. Don't
pretend to hit a tree. Especially if you haven't used the car
in three months. The brakes aren't gunna be the greatest. I was
wearing my seatbelt too. Which I think you are supposed to. Keep
yourself safe. You never know if your gunna flip. Always wear
a seatbelt!!
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