Stalled Mercury Cougar Hit By Ambulance
I-93 North of Boston, Massachusetts
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This Ambulance Crash-- Pic
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My Story: I was traveling I-93 in the south bound lane in mid-day
bumper to bumper traffic back in April 2002. It was an unseasonably
humid day and there were several cars that had overheated. I
was about 5 miles north of Boston at a point in the road where
(from left to right) there is a commuter lane, a median, and
three lanes for regular traffic. I was driving a 1995 Mercury
Cougar in the lane to the immediate right of the median when
the car stalled. I tried several attempts to start the vehicle
but had no luck. I looked for a way to move the vehicle off the
road but I was right up against the median. I turned on the four
way flashers and called a tow truck. The towing service stated
they would be there within an hour.
While waiting, traffic cleared and began resuming at its normal
pace of 55-65 mph. My Dad, who was in the passenger side, and
I, were getting nervous at the sight of fast moving traffic operated
by Massachusetts drivers, so we exited the vehicle. I raised
the hood of the vehicle and we stood about 100 yards behind the
vehicle. After about a half hour, an Ambulance came barreling
down the road in the lane I had broken down in, at what I would
estimate at 60 MPH. There were no cars in front of the Ambulance
so we had a crystal clear view of it. The Ambulance remained
in that lane and struck my vehicle. My car did a 360 degree spin
into the right lane and the ambulance flipped onto its side.
We were about 100 yards away and saw the whole thing as clear
as day. The big kicker is that I didn't see brake lights on the
Ambulance nor any attempt to swerve. The other big kicker is
that the ambulance was transporting 2 victims from a pretty serious
accident that occurred about forty minutes prior. When the 24
year old woman driving the vehicle was pulled out of the Ambulance,
I overheard her say, the car didn't even have its hazard lights
That was a crazy day
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