Dodge Neon Accident: Hits Pole- Not Much Left
Lubec, Maine
14 Year Old Crashes Car
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I found this car at the local garage in my town. On this site, I've added quite a few pictures of smashed cars. I noticed this car the day we got our new car. We got the same car just like it.
This IS NOT my car. I think this is my cousins car. I remember hearing about how someone hit a pole in a car. Didn't think anything of it until I saw this. The car was demolished. I didn't know what it was till I looked at the back of it. It is a new Dodge Neon. Can you tell? It is at least a 2003. And it hit a pole I think in a snow storm. But I'm not sure. Whoever was driving is very lucky. The whole steering wheel and everything right onto the driver.
The roof was pushed up and stuff. I'd say it had to of snapped the pole. They had to of been going quite fast. I remember seeing that car around in my town, and now it's like that. It was a nice car, and the airbags deployed. So I imagine that helped save his life. I'm pretty sure it was my cousins. I'm not exactly sure what happened. By looking at the pictures, it's not hard to figure out that he hit a telephone pole. Gotta pay attention out there, and wear seatbelts! It saves lives!
Location: Lubec, Maine*****UPDATE*****
Come to find out about this car accident. The owner of the car, which is my cousin was in the passenger seat drunk. He was letting his niece drive the car. His 14 year old neice! I guess she was driving at high speeds and lost control. She thought she can handel it. I'll admit, I'm a teenager, and I can't handel speed! Why on earth she did, we'll never know. She ruined this 2005 car. It was a 2005 Dodge Neon. Now it's a 2005 piece of scrap metal. There is no fixing that. There is no way you could fix that. AND She didn't get hurt. Amazing to hear. By the looks of things. Someone got hurt, maybe she did and her family is just keeping it a secert. Because honestly, it is possible. I'm just glad to say no one died, and that there all right. They could of gotten killed! Thank god my family is still alive today! SLOW DOWN out there! and put your seatbelt on too. It doesn't take that much energy!..LOL
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