Hit By Katrina Refugee
Houston, Texas
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This Mustang Crash
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I was sent to the J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Building in downtown
Houston, Texas to complete a field verification for my job in
late August, 2005. I was very excited to leave this one task
until close to the end of the day. I live in midtown and wanted
to get in, get the job done, and get out so I could go home and
start early on the Friday afternoon. I was meeting friends out
for drinks and dancing that night and was meeting my first blind
date in longer than I care to admit.
Seeing as how it was late in the work day on a Friday, the parking
garage was pretty empty and I had ample parking. I decided to
take a spot near the elevator between a wall and a concrete pillar.
When I finished my verifications and got back in my car to leave,
I'm not proud to admit that I was in more than a hurry. My adrinaline
and testosterone were in overdrive and I had to beat traffic
out of the gargage. The wall was on my right, the pillar was
on my left and I popped my pony in reverse, turned the wheel
to the right and gunned it! The front end of my car swung out
and slammed into the pillar so hard that I cracked the concrete.
The side mirror casing flew off the door and went through the
side window of a car parked three spaces down. Not only did I
cause body damage, but my dash board buckled and my windshield
cracked all the way across. The door hinges came unsaudered and
the A-frame bent as well.
I was so embarrassed that I had done this, that I just got out,
picked up my mirror casing out of a stranger's car, left a note,
and drove out of the garage as quickly as I could without causing
anymore damage. Three days later I got a call from the owner
of the car and sent her a check for a new window. I brought my
car to the shop and discovered that I had racked up $4500 in
repairs for my own car. And the body shop guy reached into my
back seat and pulled out the completely intact reflective glass
part of my side mirror. It had somehow flown right past my head
and into the backseat without me even noticing.
I did still make my date that night, had a round of shots to
my stupidity, and overall a very interesting night. Moral of
this story... slow down, take notice of what is around you, and
laugh at your own mistakes!
PS. After my car was repaired, the body shop guy told me that
I had to wait 30 days before I could wash it. He said it was
so the paint could set. On day 29, on my way to work, a Katrina
refugee from New Orleans that was unfamiliar with the area ran
into my driver's side door. Neither work nor that body shop will
ever let me live it down.

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