Truck Hit My House
Lubec, Maine
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"took too many zanax, and fell
asleep and hit the house"
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Well, heres another accident I get to submit. This one occured
in my lawn. The man driving this truck lost control and hit my
house. This guy has a history of bad driving! Years ago back
in 96 he was in a bad accident that almost took his life! He
had just bought a new truck that day and was drunk driving in
it when the tire fell off and he rolled nearly killing him. He's
lucky to have lived. Today he does drugs, and he said he "took
too many zanax, and fell asleep and hit the house." Up the
road was wood all over the road from where he went off on the
left side, I was surprized he didn't roll over. He got out of
the ditch and went to the right side, overcorrected and shot
across the road and into the side of my house! I was watching
TV and heard tires scretching. I didn't think anything of it,
thought people was just burning the tires like they always do.
I heard a car out in the road anyways, until we all heard BANG!
My dog and I was thrown out of the chair and onto the floor!
I ran to the window looked out didn't see anything, went to the
other window, look and saw tail lights, ran back to the window
I was looking out and I see a man pop up and his face is all
bloody! When I was on the phone with 911 I ran outside to check
on him. The engine was making noise and was steeming. He killed
the engine upon impact. It was quite a day. Get this! This accident
happened November 29th, 2006. It was my mother's birthday! When
the ambulance and everyone showed up I go "Look mom theres
a parade here for you." What a birthday she'll never forget.
The day had gone very well, until he hit our house.
He shouldn't be driving. Once again he is in the hospital from
an accident. He was taken to Bangor Hospital to have recontructed
surgery on his face! He's been in so many minor accidents. This
is another one that did a good number to his vehicle! I'm pretty
sure he moved my house off the foundation. He bounced off the
house about 3 feet. He moved a lot of stuff in the house. This
is a huge house! My mothers room which is upstairs on the otherside
of the house. She had things on her entertainment center fall
off. My brother who was sleeping didn't hear the crash. He heard
my mother screaming LOL. This accident could of been a lot worse.
Thank god it wasn't! As of right now we're gunna try to get his
license taken until he can drive. Which probably won't ever happen!
I'll keep you all updated.
12/14/06 Update Newspaper Posts!:
This is the newspaper article from when that guy hit my house.
They messed up so many times in the paper tho. First off, I was
in a chair not the couch, and it wasn't across the floor it was
onto the floor second it wasn't before 7 p.m. It was 10 minutes
after 8 when he hit. He went to EMMC (Bangor Hospital) for three
days for recontructive surgery on his face, and he had a back
injury. Third the vehicle wasn't a 1991 it was a 2002 I heard,
and fourth my landlord isn't from Connecticut, he's from New
York. Other then all of that, nothing much has happened since.
The guy don't remember hitting my house, and I'm not sure what
charges he got. I'll update back if there anymore additional

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