Cement Mixer Accident
Sacramento, California
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I live in vallejo, California, but the crash happened in Sacramento last night, we were on our way going to the Kings Game (proud fan!) It was heavy traffic on I-5, and I had just gotten off the freeway driving through Natomas and I hit a cement mixer!
I pulled into an apartment complex lot and got out to inspect the damage. The car was smoking heavily, but still driving when I turned it off. Once the cops came, I tried to start the car, knowing I would not drive it home but just curious if it would start. It went "c-c-c-c-c-c-c cuuggghhh" and died with a clunk.
The cement mixer had punched a whole straight through the radiator.
The cement mixer was just lke the one showed here, but bigger.
We still made it to the game but it was the 3rd quarter.
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