Chevy Suburban Wrecked
MontanaThis crash: Pic 1 | Pic 3
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I had a car accident last Saturday night aproxiamately 7:00pm in Mountain time on Saturday, January 26th, 2002. in Montana
So I was driving to store from home, and went to store and get something, then head back home on Highway Route 66 about 5 miles from store and couples car passing by and it make it hard to see due to snowing and low visbilities and also snow blowing, I was driving 70 miles per hours, one of pickup flickering their headlamp lights, and I didn't know what to do and thought I forgot to dip my light, no that is not, all of sudden I saw about 20-30 cows middle of road aproximately half miles from my relatives house, and crash!!
I wore seat belt on, I did get no injuries, and no one was with me but beside my dog. I got into panic, it's look terrible when I step out door, and airbag has poped out and hit my head, but not really hurt that bad and it's smell horrible!!, one person saw me I was in accident they rush to my mom's friends house and they called poliece and ambulance, anyway I was walking down the road for half miles head to my relatives house with my dog. I took 6 photo of Chevy Suburban 4x4 1500!
I want to tell you, accident absolutely NOT fun it's dangerous than what I thought!! If I were driving 4 door car I would probably dead by now, but lucky I drove bigger vehicles and save my life!!
Michael J. F.
P.S., dont wonder if I am celberties or nor and NO I am not LOL!!
Comments from viewers:
I'm confused, it says 'last saturday night' than says 'january 26th' when was it?- Cameron
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