Rental Car Wreck
Cosby, TN
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On 9/902 i was out of town on bussiness for the company I work for when I was struck broad side. I have the scars to prove it and the company I work for had no insurance. Plus the president was the one who suggested useing my personal insurance to cover rental cars while out of town. What do I know, I called my insurance company and they said I was covered when useing rental cars. No big deal, Right!!! What they did not tell me is that they do not cover rental cars when used for bussiness. BIg mistake which I will and my children be paying for in the the loss of my job ,my house and possible garnishment of future wages.
please anyone out there who rents cars for bussness pourposes make sure you are covered. My boss lied to me and led me down a path to ruin. All I wanted was to do a good job and supply my family a good life. They never told me I was at risk, Why would I ask?Plus no attorneys want the case because they have no insurances, no WC no Liability ect. God help the world from these types beacuse it is a hard lesson to learn about bussiness when you are just a employee.
Jack H.
Cosby, TN.
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