Harley Motorcycle Versus Buick
McDonough New York
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Here are some pics of what happened to our 1990 buick park avenue on oct 14 2006 in upstate ny. the accident happened around 2:45 in the afternoon. my mother-in-law was driving she had her boyfriend and my daughter in the car. they were heading home from picking up her boyfriend and came up to a curve on our road that is posted at 15 mph due to the fact that it is a sharp curve, this is a curve that we all slow down for due to the fact that there is a hidden road on the other side of the curve, they were just about to the corner when a harley motorcycle that was running in a pack during the annual poker run came through the curve in there lane, they were hit head-on by the bike. no one in the car was hurt, the lady on the bike was not so lucky she ended up with a crushed pelvis and a broken leg, along with two tickets one for failure to maintain lane and one for a bald rear tire.
McDonough Ny.
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