Ford Escape Accident: Clips Jimmy
New YorkThis Crash: Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4
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I heard a loud BANG around 12:45 am and looked out the window and saw 5 teens sprinting down the street. He must have came around the corner fast. He hit my neighbors Jimmy and knocked his tire foreward, and the kids car ripped out the tie rod and axle off. Oct. 8- MRK
Comments from viewers:
Pete 10/23/06 The same type of thing happened to me where my axel got rippel of with my tie as this guy. i am woundering if u guys know if it is repairable or not.
Colin 10/23/06 This is a Ford Escape, not an Explorer. Also, the Jimmy has no visible damage that would indicate a collision of that force.
Ken, to colin, if you want me to get pics of the jimmy, i will. The driver side leaf spring is bent and the whole rear axle is off. And sorry for sayin its an explorer ok.
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